Friday, December 5, 2008

Ever had a DAY!!!!

Have you ever had one of those days where you think can anything else go wrong???? Well yesterday was one of those days for me. It all started at the festival of trees where I had one of my choking attacks and spent quite a long time in the bathroom and while I was trying to get over that Bridger called from school saying he wasn't feeling too good. So needless to say it took me an hour to go get him and he was just worried about his teacher cause she had been gone for a few days with her husband in the hospital. So we are going to have the counselor check on him today to make sure he is okay. Then later last night after we had all got home and got Bridger in bed Collin came back from working on the house because he had sliced his finger with the razor blade. So we were trying to find some super glue that was not dried up to glue his finger shut and being the little helper that Branson is he found some and some how ended up glueing his eye shut. He has it in his hair and on his eyebrow and of course his eye is shut and then more on his cheek and his chest. So we spent most of the night trying to get his eye unstuck with out having to take him to the emergency room(which posion control suggested that we do) Needless to say we had to wait for him to fall asleep and then cut his beautiful eyelashes. I really hope they grow back. Now I am just waiting for him to wake up to see if we got all of it out so he can see nad hopefully nothing happened to his eye!!! ahahahah what a day!!!


Jana said...

Wow - and I thought my day was bad yesterday coming home to 5 pounds of corn muffin mix scattered all over the house! Hope your day is going better today

Stephens Family said...

I am SOOOO SORRY Brit! I really could have helped you out with Bridger. Well, I guess when I think my days are going bad I will just think of you (which will be every day) LOVE YA!

Anonymous said...

Wow, crazy-so what happened with Broxton!? The day got to everyone except him?

Wendell Shantala said...

I can not belive that he glued his eye closed. What are the odds. I am so sorry.
love ya