Monday, July 28, 2008

Memory Lane
Here are the rules:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that we had together. It can be a memory with just Collin or just with Britni or with both of us. It doesn't matter if you know us a little or a lot, anything you remember. We would love to hear it!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty fun to see the responses.


Korbi said...

where did all these posts come from? Geez. Ok, listening to Garth Brooks in your black truck and waiting for you in the high school parking lot by your truck for you to take us home after school. That birthday when Eric Allen gave you the Live cd and none of us knew who they were, but now i could sing every word to the songs on that cd. Raz ma Taz. your FFA jacket and long hair. You standing in front of your mirror and "picking" your hair (combing it with a pick) That one time you took us teepeeing in 5th grade and the cops pulled us over and we were in the suburban ducking down. The New Year's party you let us have when mom and dad were gone and you left with your friends and came back and we had trashed the house with confetti and we were finding that confetti clear until Christmas after Christmas in mom's garland that decorates the stairs..... is that enough?

Anonymous said...

I'm with Korbi, there is just way to many to remember! I will always remember just hanging out in your room, and you telling us to get out, because we were driving you nuts! I also remember you getting ready for many high school dances and Korbi and I just staring at you...
I think the best one is when we had to change the oil in a pivot and all three of us were out there complaining and getting covered with oil! Oh in there is always the time we spent waiting for "Speedy" to flush the lines....

kbeck said...

I don't want to think this was some other sister...but the time we got of the bus in a bad dust storm and somebody lost their we went running after it in to the field in the back of the house and then you got bad asthma and had to breath into a paper bag.